This is not just another book on life purpose. Its powerful insights will give you the passion and impetus to start making life- changing decisions to ensure your work leaves its mark on the world.
Take a journey with John as he helps you discover seven life-changing principles that will change your head and heart to become the person you were called to be.
About the book: From a shy Dutch immigrant kid to just trying to fit in to becoming the CEO of one of the most successful financial planning firms in Australia, John shares his story of a radical personal and business transformation.
This is a book that challenges the embraced narrative that success in business is just about making more money. John was living the same script that many business owners and entrepreneurs fall into – working long hours and getting into debt so the business could grow and expand. Measuring success with how many zeros John was making, was costing him his closest relationships and health. He had also become isolated from his local community.
This is a story that every business person needs to read who feels they lack meaning and are not engaged with the bigger picture of why their business exists. John exhorts his readers to recognise that they will only leave a legacy if they stop putting out fires, and instead, start to live out a higher calling that gives them the foresight and strength to withstand the many business challenges that come their way.